The horse who became a decorated U.S. Marine? That would be Staff Sergeant Reckless! This girl was a dedicated soldier, fearless, steadfast and loyal to both her duties and fellow Marines. Learn this mare’s courageous story in the 2nd installment of I Think I Love You Animal Foundation’s exclusive series “Great a Stories in Animal History”. Thanks to our production team - Annette E Alvarez and Dan Slade!

“Fly Cher Ami!”, an exclusive production from I Think I Love You Animal Foundation’s new series “Great Stories in Animal History” of how this baby carrier pigeon - Cher Ami- saved an entire Regimen during WWI. This girl, shot and injured, pressed on to deliver an urgent message to stop friendly fire. A story of how animal love and dedication for their human friends is boundless! Thank you Dan Slade and Annette E Alvarez
our production team!
Stay tuned for more incredible animal stories.